How to meditate and meet spirit guides

There are many reasons to meditate. Meditation is a great way to calm the mind and relax the body. This is also one of the best ways to keep your spiritual balance, reduce stress, and to receive psychic information. It is also one of the best ways to meet a spirit guide! Many people are unaware of the presence of spirit guides, but through meditation the awareness can be awakened. This is a great way to contact your spirit guide and feel the loving connection that is shared with the universe. There are many different methods of meditation to use and sometimes it takes trial and error to find the best method that works for you.

A simple method is to find a setting in which you will not be disturbed. You can try some soft meditation music and incense or something else if you prefer. The concept is to release the body’s stress then calm and still the mind.

Start by taking several slow deep cleansing breaths.  Try to feel the tension leave your body. Continue to slow your breathing . Slow deep breaths in and long exhales.Some find it helpful to imagine starting at the feet and working your way up to the top of your head relaxing the muscles. Many people feel it important to imagine in the mind’s eye, a white or rainbow spectrum light surrounding their body for protection. This way they can feel safe in the astral or any other realm they encounter spirits or guides on.

Many people like to create a place to meet these guardians, such as a beach or a creek in the woods, by a lake, in a garden, or on a mountain top. The point is to imagine a place that is appealing to you and visualize it in your mind. This will be your special place to meet your guardians. Once you have created the place in your mind and you are still feeling relaxed, just imagine asking to meet your guardian and then just still the mind and try to be as receptive to what you may see, hear or feel.

This is a process that works differently for everyone. You might feel a sensation or vibration in your body, you might actually hear words, you might see an image of someone or something in your mind’s eye. What is important is to focus on the special connection that is shared. You can ask if there is something you need to know and then again still the mind and listen. You can ask them their name if you do not recognize them. The choices are up to you. Before you finish, thank them and recenter yourself in your minds eye or in other words picture yourself back in your designated meditation place- ie chair,couch, bed, bath.

If this does not work for you the first time do not get discouraged. Meditation and self relaxation is something that takes practice. You can do it and it will work if you are persistent. Remember there are many ways to relax and meditate. Just find a method that works best for you.

Communicating With Spirit Guides

Spirit is always there loving and guiding us on our journey through life.  We all have spirit guides that are there helping us learn lessons, protecting us, and yes communicating to us. Communication through spirit guides comes in many forms. Spiritual communication can come in the form of symbols, colors, numbers, songs, nature, feelings, emotions, animals, finding a book, and meeting new people. Many times spirit uses synchronicity and irony to get your attention. This is how spirit guides ring your bell. The more you pay attention and listen to your environment, the easier it is to realize and strengthen your spiritual connection! The key is to pay attention to the ironic coincidence and synchronicity that occurs in your daily life. Timing is everything!

Meditation can be a great way to connect with your spirit guides. There are so many ways to meditate that it is really an easy thing to do. I find it very easy to just sit outside and connect with the outdoors and let my mind go. There are many meditation methods to use.  Here is a good simple spirit guide meditation method to  try to connect and meet your spirit guides. Just find  the best method for you  through trial and error. Even meditating on the rune symbol Elhaz can be very helpful and enlightening!


The rune Elhaz (also called Algiz) can be a great tool and resource to use to build a connection with your spirit guide.

Elhaz (Algiz) – Divination meanings: Protection, Spiritual connection or protection

Magical uses: Protection, communication and connection with guardian spirit, spiritual cleansing, strengthen magical power, traveling through other worlds or astral travel

Blessed be

Metaphysics and Lore

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Taken from Prologue in Metaphysics and Lore:

Consider the following questions. Have you ever had a dream that turned out to be a premonition and left you curious as to why you had the dream? Is there only one right religion? Does God exist?  What about the possibility of a Goddess?  An atheist believes in neither, but does that make him or her right?  Do spirits or guardian angels exist?  Have you ever lost a loved one and been concerned for their soul or spirit?  What are your thoughts about reincarnation? A harder more complex question is why do you believe what you believe?  Now, truly reflect on that question and think about it. How did you develop the belief system you currently hold? Is your conviction and faith unwavering?  Do you truly believe that your religion or faith is the only way to eternal salvation and any other practicing faith is doomed to Hell?  My favorite question is “How do you prove it?” Maybe you are a soul searching for spiritual enlightenment or conviction and faith for that very reason.

Maybe you believe what you do because a certain book says to. Many were just born into a family that believed in a specific religion and so they were brought up with those belief systems. The problem with that quite often is those belief systems are conditioned and often lack a true spiritual connection.  This results in a lack of true conviction. Now I am not trying to offend or question anyone’s faith or conviction!  I just want you to be true to yourself and really question the spiritual connection and conviction you have or don’t have in that faith.

How would one prove the existence of God, angels, or spirits? For the record, “Because the Bible or any other book says so” is not the answer I am looking for here. Obviously, it would be difficult to gather empirical evidence.  Many people have to see or experience something first hand before their belief system is altered or even shaken. When is your perception of reality affected?  Does it happen by coincidence? Is it when your friends or family tell you that something does not exist or isn’t real like Santa or the tooth fairy?

I would suggest the truest answers lie deeper within us at the point where knowledge and faith confront each other.  The experiences in our lives are like a river of knowledge for us to tap into for our own sense of reality and faith.  From there a bridge of faith is built that gives us our convictions.  Each one of us has an individual source of knowledge and bridge of faith.  Some of us just build different bridges than others.  The bottom line is we all build a bridge of some kind.

Everyone has free will to choose and believe in whatever faith they so choose.  Please consider these questions. If Spirits or Angels were trying to reach you, would you sense them? Do you find that concept ridiculous and crazy? Would you have the will or courage to believe in these psychic-phenomena?  If not, what proof would it take to change your mind? Is magic real? What is the true source of intuition and instinct? Should we always trust or follow our own gut feelings? Are the thoughts in our heads always our own or is it possible at times we are being reached by higher levels of consciousness?  Do some people or possibly everyone really have psychic abilities?

What if you could meet someone who could enlighten your perception of reality through proof and not trickery?  What if it were possible for that someone to help you see visions of the future and then those visions came true?  What if then, you could hear voices of deceased loved ones?  Would you embrace possession of such skills and knowledge as a gift or a curse?  Would you want to or even dare to meet a Master of such skills? Perhaps fate could intervene and a chance meeting between you and such a kindred spirit could just happen like it did for me. Actually, if you are reading this, then fate and your kindred spirits are already trying to enlighten you.

Man has been searching for the answer to these questions since the beginning of time. Maybe, just maybe, our answers to those questions have been conditioned by society over long periods of time. Again I would suggest the truest answers lie deeper within us at the point where knowledge and faith confront each other.

Many people pray and yet to most that is a very acceptable idea. Most don’t consider those people crazy to believe and pray to something that can’t be seen. If a person believes in a spirit world or that he can communicate with it, is he crazy or schizophrenic? Should they be committed to a mental institution for believing in what they can’t see?

At what point, do you draw the line and choose to believe or not believe?  Is it in the interpretation of another’s belief system that might be contradictory to yours or incomprehensible? Is it from reading a book written by man that was supposedly passed down from God? Or is it from your own personal experiences that you draw your faith and personal convictions? What bridge of faith have you built?

Today, I follow the path of a practicing shaman and the bridge that I continue to build is a story of spiritual confrontation between conventional religion, knowledge and faith, and a whole lot of mystical experiences in between. I was born into a family with Christian based beliefs and I feared the concept of a Christian Hell.  Life is funny and ironic in the way it will always test us or guide us to the choices that shape our lives.  That does not happen by coincidence.  We all have kindred spirits or guiding angels helping us on our spiritual and karmic path. They are there loving you and helping you whether you know it or even believe it. My kindred spirits were there guiding me and they taught me what Hell is and what it isn’t. I have crossed the Rainbow Bridge and I know what I choose to believe and you have the free will to choose for yourself. As the saying goes, “The truth just might be stranger than fiction”.

Metaphysics and Lore has information on psychic reading using Tarot cards, clairvoyance, numerology, and the runes. It also includes information on what Wicca is and explains misconceptions about the craft. This book is great for any person looking for spiritual enlightenment from spirit guides or wanting to learn psychic reading and increase his or her psychic awareness. Psychic ability or psychic phenomena is a power and an ability that everyone has! It is like a muscle and the more it is used the stronger it gets. It is also great for anyone wanting to learn more about the runes and the spiritual magic and energies they possess. This book is a great resource on metaphysical enlightenment!

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